When waves started to finally show up, I had to go back to work. It was very difficult to concentrate on a new school year knowing that Gaston and Hermine were delivering the goods- and I wasn't there every moment to take advantage. I did manage to squeeze in two epic sessions at Horseneck Beach. It felt so good to get into something that made my heart beat faster. The endless knee-high days of summer had truly driven me over the edge. But I forgot all about summer as I carved my way through dozens of head-overhead line of goodness. I had several freight-train style rides for more than 150 yards, breaking 20MPH. Horseneck, was of course empty until word got out it had the best wind conditions. But by 9am Sunday I had gorged myself on so many waves that I left horsneck with noodle arms and a good stoke to kick off September... Welcome Fall, so glad summer has passed.